The production/marketing of this show included:
design + ilustration + 3D + motion graphics + live stream broadcast + deejaying + video mixing
WORLD_HEALING is a streaming deejay show conceptualized by myself and Garrett Rowley during 2020 COVID quarantine as an outlet for artists to perform and collaborate. We initially streamed once a week for ten weeks in a row.
I animated a fresh commercial for each show, prepared new music, and designed video frames as well as original animations for video mixing.
Some of our guest selectors have included,
Kiki Kudo & Brian Close (NYC)
Loveshadow (Izaak & Anya, SF)
Akira Arasawa (Tokyo)
Andrew Boie (PDX)
Andy Warren (PDX)
Software Used----> (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃━✿✿✿✿✿✿
-After Effects
Mugwert & Garrett Rowley special WORLD_HEALING mix for
Lost Discoveries Radio

WORLD_ HEALING TV: Episode 10 - Commercial
WORLD_ HEALING TV: Episode 9 - Commercial
WORLD_ HEALING TV: Episode 8 - Commercial
designs + frames + renderings + stills
designs + frames + renderings + stills